And then there were three
Well some unfortunate news about the Anak Kuchings (child cats). We put the three oldest plus their mother outside for some exercise and breathing space since they were tearing the place up for some space. The mother needs to go out anyway since she like to “patrol” her territory since we discovered she had disappeared one day by climbing out the toilet window. We are three floors up and I’m not happy about the idea especially as I had caught the kittens trying to climb out of the lounge window – the window ledge has nowhere to go. So when it was time to call them all back in, only Tigger and the mother could be found. We searched up and down the apartment block and found Cole curled up on a ledge off the main balcony and unable to climb back up. Sparky however we could not find. But we believe that maybe he is being looked after by someone else in another apartment since Midnight (the mother) keeps staring at that residence. They were never really our cats anyway since they adopted us to look after them and they were free to go as they pleased. Goes to show that nothing is permanent in life, its ever changing, so enjoy it while you can. Here is a photo of a budding Louis Armstrong (Tigger)
Music of the moment : Susumu Yokota – Suku