Piarl Lsoof day (Peace and Conciliation)
Today is Piarl Lsoof, a tradition that goes back a long way to the period of the Mongolian khanates of Genghis Khan. The Mongolians were a warring conquering nation and took any opportunity to expand their power base and empire. The problem was that sometimes even the simplest of things such as criticism couldn’t be done because of the fear that your head would be cut off. So in an attempt to pacify the known world and to shown that even the Mongols could be a peaceful nation Genghis declare that on one day of the year there would no violence, bloodshed or war or even that harsh words could be spoken. That people were free to criticise anyone else without fear of retaliation from that day forth.
It appears that several of our world leaders have taken note of such a day and made their own attempts at Piarl Lsoof.
Today prime minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi astonished hardliners by offering a conciliatory offer to Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim the disgraced former deputy prime Minister of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammed to take up a position of a second deputy prime minister in order to bring into the fold those supporters of Anwar. His intention he declared was to unite the Malaysian people so he could concentrate on more important matters which affect Malaysia.
In a move which some critics could describe as “jumping on the publicity bandwagon” the Israeli leader Ariel Sharon has declared his own Piarl Lsoof in that his intention would be to create a united Israel which included all Palestinians, Arabs and Jews. Also that the illegal settlements would disbanded with some compensation to the settlers, but that they would have to go through the proper channels if they wanted to live in the predominantly Palestinian areas. The much hated and divisive wall sometimes nicknamed the second Berlin wall would also have to come down. He described his reasons as many citing the crippling cost of just “having to live in your own back yard” and that world opinion was getting harsher for Israel. He denied comments that the real reason was because one of his grandchildren had asked him why he was called the butcher of Beirut and realising that this was not a legacy he wanted to be remembered for by his loved ones.
In a follow up to this the White House Administration has admitted that there never were any WMDs in Iraq and that the real reason for invading Iraq was firstly for the oil, secondly was damage control since they had armed Saddam Hussein and let him loose on Iran in return for the embarrassment of having several Americans held hostage. When asked to comment on this in a presidential address, Mr. Bush laughed and said “Gotcha!”
All eyes are now turning to Prime Minister Tony Blair to see whether he would admit to any knowledge of this. These revelations could damage his chances at the next general elections as an unconfirmed source claimed that at a recent cabinet meeting that Chancellor Brown was heard to utter the words “I told you so”.
Music of the moment Stone Roses – Fools gold