Went to see Hitchhiker last night, kind of regretted though. As this film stands on its own , it’s not too bad. A bit pythonesque. But I was bored, almost falling asleep . I think that if you have not read Adams work or watch the original TV series then you will like this as many people found it very funny. I was thrown out by all the missing details and the fact that the movie seemed to jump around, missing bits that I know should be in it. I know that Douglas Adams did not finish the screen play for the movie, but I hope that it was perhaps at the most 50% complete because the movie looks it. Hitchhiker didn’t seem to have enough detail to explain what’s going on. The original had to explain quite a lot since so much of the story is about the background of everything and this is needed to support some action or statement that you see and hear. I had heard that some fans didn’t like this because it was not faithful to the original and I had thought initially that they were just being too fussy. After seeing this I have to retract that idea. Hitchhikers reminds me of all those lord of the rings movies, TV series, cartoons that always never seem to be complete or thorough to the books.
A chapter in my life is closing and a new one opening. We have just received the vacant possession for our new house, so we can now plan a changing rooms blitz on our new abode, Lewellyen wig and psychedelic fashion optional. On top of this Mrs Klite is starting her job soon and so am I! I’m working for a multi media company who has satellite TV as their main bread winner. As soon as possible I will be whipped off to India to do some learning and technology transfer. So it’s going to be a hectic few months ahead, and I have to do the move when I come back. Our cats will be pleased since they will be able to roam outdoors to their hearts content without the fear of getting lost as they likely to do in our apartment block.
Went to dinner tonight to meets some new friends and a matsalleh who had married a local like I had done. Being the only matsallehs at this dinner made an interesting conversation that was very British centric. Everything from Marmite, egg and chips to deep fried mars bars. The rest of the table around us could only stare in wonder at the rapid words being exchanged confirming the view of eccentricity that others have of the British.
Music of the Moment : Vangelis – Rachael’s Song (Blade runner)